Speaking Engagements

Coach Speer is an accomplished presenter with many years of experience on the seminar circuit.  If you would like to have him come and speak to your club, organization or school (career day, etc) simply contact him via email or phone to arrange the session and establish his rate.

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Some Topics Coach has Spoken on in the Past Include:

How to Become a Professional Bass Fisherman

Fishing Fayette County                                  Gearing Up for Bass

Fishing Sam Rayburn                                      Go Deep For Bass

Fishing a New Lake                                         Night Time Bassin'

Basic Bass Fishing                                          Tournament Tactics for the Pro

Advanced Bass Fishing                                  Tournament Tactics for the Amateur

How to Use your Map & GPS                        The Mental Side of Fishing

Fall Bassin'                                                      Shallow Water Worm Fishing

Winter Bass Fishing                                        How to Become an Effective Guide

Spring Bass Fishing                                         Drop Shot Fishing  

Summer Bassin'


Virtually another other topic related to bass fishing is also a possibility. 

Contact him today to schedule your group.

Bill@TheFishingCoach.com        713-819-7255 cell