2002-3 Scrapbook

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Last Shots of the Year  December 30

Including an 8.5 pounder! 

BoydEddie1230.jpg (42398 bytes)    BoydEddie21230.jpg (36311 bytes)    Chris1203.jpg (27984 bytes)    Chris21230.jpg (33038 bytes)    Chris31230.jpg (44526 bytes)

EddieBoyd1230.jpg (43941 bytes)


Coon.jpg (63956 bytes)    Osprey.jpg (34186 bytes)

Fayette raccoons and Osprey are curious

Trevor4.jpg (40312 bytes)

Now Trevor is getting to be a really good fisherman--is B.A.S.S. next on his list? 

Three days later Chuck is back with a friend

Chuck2.jpg (41436 bytes)    Chuck1.jpg (41715 bytes) But we can't get a smile!  ChuckDrive.jpg (43624 bytes)

Well Trevor sure can!!! 

   Trevor.jpg (38165 bytes)    Trevor1.jpg (28902 bytes)    Trevor2.jpg (40424 bytes)    Trevor3.jpg (48494 bytes)

First Time on Fayette, nice fish! Chuck.jpg (41195 bytes)

Jon Michael from American Rodsmith and his dad Charlie.

CharlieJonM.jpg (36114 bytes)        CharlieM.jpg (25038 bytes)    CharlieJonM2.jpg (31996 bytes)

A Nice Father & Son outing in the Fall.

TomH&Dan.jpg (41217 bytes)    DanH.jpg (41184 bytes)    DanHGo.jpg (38273 bytes)    TomH.jpg (39566 bytes)    DanHBS.jpg (40064 bytes)

Jacob3.jpg (40203 bytes) Another nice 7.5 pounder on a deep diving crankbait 

Getting to be a Fine Fisherman! Neil3.jpg (17054 bytes)

Jake5.jpg (41118 bytes)  Jim.jpg (34299 bytes) Father and Son Fishing! Jake6.jpg (40934 bytes)

 Billy&Cindy.jpg (28127 bytes) Billy&Cindy1.jpg (29581 bytes) Family Fishing Fun!Billy&Cindy2.jpg (41224 bytes) Billy&Cindy3.jpg (32519 bytes) Billy&Cindy4.jpg (39989 bytes)

Dustin.jpg (30483 bytes)  Dustin and Neil with nice fish  Neil.jpg (26991 bytes)   

Neil with the big fish of the day!  NeilSmallFish.jpg (33328 bytes)


 Steve.jpg (32767 bytes)  Nice bass Steve!


JeremyCA2.jpg (38085 bytes) A good California fisherman with aspirations of turning pro. JeremyCA3.jpg (33603 bytes)

MeghanBS.jpg (32938 bytes) More of our BPS associates JohnBPS.jpg (28435 bytes)

JohnBPS1.jpg (35981 bytes)

Joe.jpg (39186 bytes)  Wally.jpg (41782 bytes)    More good friends fishing Wally1.jpg (30051 bytes)  Joe1.jpg (36595 bytes)

Jacob2.jpg (39282 bytes)  Two best friends and their fish Jacob.jpg (40206 bytes) Neil2.jpg (37653 bytes)

   Adam.jpg (39549 bytes) A Typical Bass Pro Shop employee-a good fisherman, of course! Adam2.jpg (38899 bytes)

Mark.JPG (30098 bytes)

DonF.jpg (39829 bytes)   Father and son, well done!   JayF3.jpg (31513 bytes)


    Earl.jpg (39134 bytes)    Nice fish for Earl from Minnesota! And what is this? Earl2-tilapia.jpg (40790 bytes)

           Cindi-Billy.jpg (40564 bytes)        Cindi.jpg (31447 bytes)         Billy.jpg (40241 bytes)

        Cindy and Billy with a nice double on Saint Patrick's Day

Jake1.jpg (35610 bytes)    Youngest Fisherman-BIG bass! Way to go Jake! Jake2.jpg (43697 bytes)

      Hitoshi.jpg (68362 bytes)  A nice Spring time bass.

Jan103.jpg (128231 bytes)  Our first bass of the New year! Jan103A.jpg (19392 bytes)  Jan103B.jpg (10829 bytes)  And another!

Euna.jpg (80926 bytes)    This may just be the finest bass fisherman on Conroe!

Tristan1.jpg (94723 bytes)    Tristan2.jpg (131905 bytes)     Nice Fayette bass for a fine young fisherman.

    Ron2.jpg (385278 bytes)     Nice fish. Ron!

Trip1.JPG (77225 bytes) This is MY fish and that is yours? Trip2.JPG (57323 bytes)

Ah, that is better! Trip4.JPG (95402 bytes) 

Trip3.JPG (67312 bytes) Good friends are fun to fish with. Trip8.JPG (56461 bytes)   TripBen-1.JPG (94731 bytes)

Trip6.JPG (53135 bytes) I can make any Trip11.JPG (59870 bytes) fish look small!! Trip12.JPG (52297 bytes)

Trip10.JPG (50879 bytes)  A first fish in many a year can be a real joy. Trip9.JPG (54352 bytes)

Trip7.JPG (52195 bytes)  This young man is going to be a big time pro some day!

Dave's first bass! DaveV.JPG (50374 bytes) And then a really nice number two!! gig'em DaveV2.JPG (48768 bytes)

Two good friends and a great day of fishing!  Poncho1.JPG (65973 bytes)     Al2.JPG (68622 bytes)

Two more good friends from the 4-F Bass Club  Ron.JPG (26005 bytes)

Phil.JPG (39686 bytes)


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